The Rev. William H. Grimes #fundie

I think it is important to consider that in the United States, the average life expectancy is 77 years old, while the lifespan of the average transgendered individual is 35. Defying God’s natural law has severe ramifications on physical and mental health. Pumping men with estrogen for long periods of time results in increased risk for cardiovascular problems, blood clots, and other issues ranging from excessive emotional distress to morbid obesity. For those with a family history of heart disease, this so-called “treatment” will cause cardiovascular related death more quickly than eating Big Macs and fries for every meal every day of the week while drinking gallons of soda and living a sedentary lifestyle. This is why I believe that “cross-sex hormone therapy” should be banned as it violates the first precept of the Hippocratic Oath; the strongly negative effects from this “treatment” proves God’s natural law displayed in Genesis 1:27. Therefore the most humane thing would be to reinforce proper gender roles and possibly administer an antipsychotic such as Pimozide or Thorazine, instead of doing the equivalent of giving an alcoholic a fifth of Jack Daniels as the essay clearly states. It’s enabling, it’s inhumane, and it’s inherently harmful and detrimental.—William Grimes (talk) 15:54, 7 November 2017 (UTC)



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