
Angellica Goodson-Lord #racist #ufo #magick #fundie #conspiracy #crackpot angellicagoodsonlord.blogspot.com

In Genesis Chapter 2 YHWH Yahweh Ildabaoth the Demiurge creates his
hybrid race. Who were described in archeology as the Semite Hyksos race of
Indian Adams that lived in Israel, Sumeria etc., in the regions known as Canon?
They were the Canaanites. If we
trace them back in archeology records they are also the Solutreans that are
associated with the City of Atlantis, the West Coast of Europe who also
migrated into North America in 22.000 B.C.

YES THEY GOT AROUND so to speak.
While in Egypt their ruling class actually described Yahweh as Seth a
Dogman figure they called Suetekh that was a hybrid chimera very similar to the
descriptions of Dogman today that people encounter in the woods.

The Hyksos Semites were once considered the lowest cast of human hybrid
beings alive in ancient and prehistoric India. In their legends Yahweh Ildabaoth the Demiurge YHHW was the Archon Demiourgós (δημιουργός) who as in Gnostic legends became blinded by
his own arrogance. According to
alien angel legends the Semite Jewish Canaanite god legends YHWH was really one
of the lesser gods (Elohim) known as the Archon Demiourgós, who referred to his human hybrid race
as his “Chosen Race.” He demanded
that they:

'Thou shalt worship no
other god; for the Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God' (Exod.

There were many hybrid races created by aliens. This is a best kept secret that is now
being discovered and talked about.
The Semite Hyksos then became known to themselves, and other races, as the 'chosen

The true 'chosen people', of course, were our Scandinavian Mitochondria
Mother race who we all share DNA with.

The first race of hybrids created were the Aryan Race who stole the
DIVINE RIGHT TO RULE THE WORLD from our Scandinavian Mitochondria Mother race.
It all went down hill from there. These Elohim aliens created the different
races to look like them using genetic engineering, cloning and were the