Save The Children! #conspiracy #fundie #wingnut #racist #psycho #dunning-kruger
Adrenochrome is generally known to be harvested from the Pineal Glands of penguins in places such as Antarctica (the South Pole, an order of such is described in this WikiLeaks cable); however, this obviously does not meet the global luciferian elite’s needs for getting intoxicated and drunk on their conquests. Therefore, tying into pedogate (which was recently rolled up and uncovered by the United States DOJ), the luciferian elite instead kidnap children, rape, and torture them in order to concentrate the adrenaline/epinephrine in their glands, then harvest the adrenochrome from the glands while the subject is living (the Adrenochrome
does not last long in a post mortem) they sacrifice the child after the drug is extracted. Alternately, the subject may be kept alive for repeated extractions; (they keep the children captive as a prisoner, hidden somewhere, for a “long term traumatization treatment”, where they maintain the child alive, but they traumatize, torture, rape, and extract the blood of the child with blood transfusions multiple times, until the child finally dies from the abuse and blood loss or they decide to kill the child in one of their many (monthly) satanic child sacrifice rituals.
This constant need for living subjects, to harvest the chemical out of their adrenal glands, is why the zionists doesn’t want peace in Israel.
The status quo of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has made Palestinians into de facto and de jure second class citizens, who can be legally harvested at any time by any Israeli citizen for organs, tissue, and precious Adrenochrome. They also run massive child trafficking rings all over the world, which buy and sell children (Adrenochrome more readily concentrates in a child’s glands, since the glands do not grow much with age, and since children experience massively heightened “fight or flight” reactions and increased adrenaline surges as a result of trauma). According to the FBI there are averaging 460,000+ missing children in America every single year, however the true number may be significantly higher since it has recently been revealed that the FBI is nothing more than a corrupt front organization covering crimes for the luciferian elites in America. Scientists have speculated that long term exposure to Adrenochrome may cause schizophrenia; this may in part be why Zionists are over 30x more likely than the general population to suffer from the mental disorder.