
SfcMac #pratt sfcmac.com

Union thugs have a habit of assaulting anyone who confronts their corruption. They harass businesses for the “crime” of backing the “wrong” political candidate, they show off their frothing hatred, racism, and bat-shit crazy behavior when they gather in mobs, and they’re teaching these methods in college.

That’s the way they operate. Intimidation, assault, arson, threats, and murder. Unions started out with an anarchist/socialist agenda, ended up with bed with the mafia, and went downhill from there. The leaders spend member’s dues to suit their own political agendas, and line their pockets. So much for looking out for the “working class”. And they wonder why their membership has plummeted.

All of them should be prosecuted under the RICO statutes, but the Dems are in bed with the unions, so don’t expect much.

SfcMac #homophobia sfcmac.com

I’m also in agreement with amending history texts with information that was heretofore omitted; such as the contributions of women who fought and sacrificed for their country in war, those who battled for civil rights, and those who made a difference in science, politics, and athletics. Those are based on accomplishments, not sexual preference. Those are the kind of updated revisions that are necessary in order to better educate students, not “so-and-so prefered the same-sex”, somehow quantifying that as “history”.

sfcmac #transphobia sfcmac.com

Female Pediatrician Wants to Change Her 10 Year Old Son to a Girl, Against His Father’s Wishes and With the Aid of the California Legal System

She is a fucking monster. She projects her sick fantasies by expressing her desire to mutilate children. She should be stripped of her parental rights and thrown in jail. The worst part of all this is that she uses her position as a pediatrician to facilitate the abuse. One day, after the damage is done, her children will grow up to realize that their mother is a psycho who ruined their chance at a normal life.

The legal system in Texas and California is totally fucked. No one in their right mind would warp the legal system to fit the derangement of a mentally ill parent. Which calls into question the mental acuity of a judge and jury who thinks this is acceptable.

Read the reviews on WebMD. It’s got comments from people who describe her a mentally unstable and who said she tried to talk to children alone and insisted they were they opposite sex.

Wherever she’s practicing, she should have her license yanked. She has no business being around children.

SfcMac #racist #crackpot #conspiracy sfcmac.com

The outrage happened after the latest attack carried out by a 17 year old muzzie ‘immigrant’ who stabbed three innocent children to death and severely injured several more at a concert.

British citizens are sick of the muzzie invaders who murder, rape, and destroy their neighborhoods. They’re fighting back.

The Dhimmification of Europe started years ago when their governments began a policy of pandering to a violent theocracy.

Britain allows violent terrorist muzzie pigs onto its soil and the ensuing carnage is condoned by gutless law enforcement. They murder, rape, and commit acts of terrorism with impunity while citizens who speak out against it are censored, harassed, and prosecuted.

The Foxhole #transphobia sfcmac.com

Trannies Gone Wild: Iowa School Shooter Identified as ‘Trans Activist’

Unhinged tranny activist Dylan Butler, age 17, opened fire inside the Perry High School, which he attended.

He posted this photo before the shooting from the school bathroom.

They’re so traumatized by their own gender dysphoria and mental illness, they have to kill innocent people. The only small consolation is the tranny took his own life. He should have done that before he decided to show up at the school.
