David Icke/Arizona Wilder #conspiracy #ufo #magick tapnewswire.com
The Reptilians came to earth about 4000 years ago. They followed the Aryans, whose bloodline they want to keep pure, as they need their blood for their use. They look for Aryan features, blonde, blue eyes, as they prefer the blood of the Aryans. They prefer to impregnate Aryans with the semen of the head of the Illuminati, known as Pindar. The Illuminati pursued the Aryans all over the universe.
Arizona was identified as a bloodline before she was born. She was addressed as ‘Mother Goddess’, one of only three Mother Goddesses allowed on earth. The Reptilians don’t have the necessary psychic abilities, so they pick others from the bloodline to control events through psychic means. They attempt to control events by predicting what will happen, and controlling it. To call out the old ones from another dimension to attend the rituals from another dimension, needs someone with the psychic power. The Reptilians don’t have this ability. These ‘old ones’ want to come out of the fourth dimension, but can’t except during rituals. Christianity calls them out as demons. Circle inside a hexagon is powerful occult symbol, inside is a pentagram and a triangle. These shapes stop the old ones from seizing the person summoning them.
The old ones tell things during the ritual, and give enormous power to the Illuminati. They don’t want to cooperate, but they have to.
The demons want out of the dimension they’re in – being in the abyss. The fourth dimension is one to stay away from.
Icke – why are the rituals related to the phases of the moon?
Arizona – also the sun. They’re using the Druid religion, and the Egyptology religion. They call themselves Druidic. Druids were tied in with the cycles of the moon. Ritualisation with Druidism, and they love ritualisation.
People were bred from birth to be ritual sacrifices. It’s very easy not to register a child when it’s born. Children are kidnapped in Third World countries, terrorised and mind controlled, sometimes drugged, used as blood sacrifices. Reptilians need their blood to maintain their human shape. They’ll take various organs from the sacrifices depending on which date it is. They slit the throat from left to right. Then they give the blood in a goblet to the reptilians, and then to the people who have become party to the rituals.
There are rituals every month of the year. Usually more than one. Every full moon. The equinoxes. The solstices. Beltane and many others. May 1st is Beltane.
Halloween is the ritual occasion for the Councils of Thirteen. Three nights in a row. Halloween is the worship and homage to Satan. The Devil. A lot of bloodshed. A number of sacrifices. The popularity of Halloween is to desensitise people to the horrors. The Harvest Festival is the same. Christian festivals are unknowing representations of the Satanic rituals. Christmas is solstice related, a Satanic celebration, the killing of the old king. The tree is a phallic symbol. The ritual on the 24th december is to do with the programming of children. Things would happen to the child that hung the last bulb on the tree. Rituals are done on this night to little children. Children are killed. Families have to give away their little children for sacrifice.
She has seen George Bush at rituals, Henry Kissinger, Madeleine Albright, Ronald Reagan, and Nancy. Hillary Clinton is involved, although not a shape shifter. The two sons of George Bush were involved, now governors of Florida and Texas are involved. J Rockefeller shape shifts. Newt Gingrich. All these people are connected to the Illuminati. Gerald Ford was there. He shapeshifted. Carter was there, but didn’t. Lyndon Johnson shape-shifted. Joseph Mengele was a shape-shifter.
In Europe, Charles, The Queen, The Queen Mother Princess Margaret all shape shift. French President. The Rothschilds were there. Guy de Rothschild is a shape-shifter. He uses the name Doctor Barrington in the US. He’s had Arizona impregnated with seed from Pindar. She realised what was being done to her. Guy de Rothschild has tried to programme Arizona and get back under control. Tony Blair shape shifts. Price Philip has his quirks even in his reptilian form. They’re not all robots. They’re all cold-blooded, and would kill at the drop of a hat.