
mrpaul472002 #fundie theconservativevoice.com

gradkiss, the main laws not to break are God`s laws-for that he will surely punish. The earth is only about 6000 years old, give or take a few. MY bro the scientist says that we are only in a warming cycle of the earth, and that there is no such thing as "global warming", notwithstanding, during the plagues, God will give the sun power to scorch men with fire, but that is still future. Volcanoes belch out more noxious gas and smoke, and change the earth`s weather more than many cities can-and how many are currently erupting worldwide-someone wrote 90, I read the other day? But that is an act of God, just like the sunspots are the act of God, which warm the waters of the Atlantic and the Carribean, during the hurricane season. As I`ve said before, and said to my president of the Sierra Club in one of the western states, and my bro in law:"it is global sinning", "and not global warning" which is causing the upheaval of nature. (He has`nt sopken to me since)

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the dinosaurs were all drowned in the Flood of Noah, about 4500 years ago. None of those creatures which were amalgamated by evil men, who knew how to manipulate and cross-breed animals, because men in those days lived to be nearly 1000 years old), none of those creatures were saved in Noah`s ark.

Thomas E. Brewton #fundie theconservativevoice.com

Darwinian evolutionists dismiss catastrophism, because it conflicts at the most fundamental level with the assumptions necessary to support the speculative hypothesis of evolution.


Evolution thus could not have occurred as hypothesized had there been any major catastrophes ... that wiped out life forms as the carriers of the DNA digital files. If that happens, then evolution ... would have to start all over from square one and create vast new chains of gradually increased digital information in the DNA molecules, added by chance mutations.

Bill Gray #fundie theconservativevoice.com

The Blasphemy Challenge is a group of atheists who are militantly seeking to lure children and young people away from God and Christianity. They broadcast an internet radio program from a hidden site in Philadelphia. And, now they have come up with this scheme using the YouTube internet web site to reach millions of young people with their anti-God, anti-Jesus, anti-Holy Spirit message. This atheist group has definitely declared war on God. They are militant, and their targets are your children and grandchildren. Below is an excerpt from their web site: http://www.blasphemychallenge.com [...]

When you visit their web site, and I strongly urge that you to do ---- first click on the face of the young girl to see her video on YouTube. Her name is Jessica --- and she is someone's daughter; she is someone's granddaughter --- and, through the encouragement of this Satanic group, she happily, ignorantly, denies God. [...]

Do you have a young person in your home with internet access to YouTube --- and the 25 popular sites chosen to target your children and grandchildren? If so, be warned that they are sitting there with the Rational Response Squad's gun at their heads! And accompanied by screeching, slobbering demonic spirits, this group of atheists are working hard to pull your child into hell with them.

Have you taken a moment recently to see what web sites your children and grandchildren are visiting? Don't you think you should?

I plead with you as never before --- share this message with ALL of your Friends, Relatives, Associates, and Neighbors --- all your FRANs. Help us warn the world of this new attack against ALL CHILDREN, including yours.

Joel Turtel #fundie theconservativevoice.com

Why have we put our children into education prisons called public schools? What crimes have they committed? Why do we condemn almost 45 million innocent children to this punishment? Do I exaggerate by calling these schools “prisons?” Well, let’s compare prisons and public schools.
School authorities force millions of children to sit in boxes called classrooms with 20 other children-inmates for six to eight hours a day, five days a week, for up to ten years. The children must obey the adult education wardens (teachers and principals), who they may fear or dislike. They must study subjects they may hate or that bore them to death. They must associate only with other children their same age who may be bullies, violent, or emotionally disturbed. They must do homework and study for tests they must pass or be left back in school.

The children are removed from their loving parents and put under the control of teacher-wardens who may not love them, care for them, or simply even have the time to pay attention to them. They are stopped from being a free-spirited child. They are told to keep quiet. They are told to obey the rules. They are told to march from classroom cell to classroom cell every 50 minutes to study different subject that may mean nothing to them.
Well, millions of kids, and probably your child, must sit through this agony of boredom or frustration for 6 to 8 hours a day for 10 years in public-school classrooms. Yet, to repeat, what crimes have your children committed to warrant this horrible punishment?

In fact, they have committed no crime whatsoever. They are simply innocent victims of local governments and public-school authorities who think they own your children, who think they have the right to put your children into education prisons for 10 years for “their own good.”
Parents, if you thought you had no choice, you are wrong. Happily, you can homeschool your child or give your child a fun, quality, rewarding, low-cost education with Internet private schools. You have many education options. If your child hates school, listen to him or her. Don’t let school authorities put your child in a public-school prison for ten years. You have a choice, and your child’s life is at stake.

Rob Hood #fundie theconservativevoice.com

Believe it or not many commercials have very liberal overtones and hidden messages that one would not pick up on unless one was actually trained at doing so or used to seeing. I recently saw a commercial where two men were grilling steaks outside on a patio. This commercial seemed innocent enough, but when I saw it the second time around, I noticed the two men were closer than normal and all throughout the commercial there were kids there, but no women. Get the point?