
Spencer Wells via The Golden Age Goddess #wingnut #crackpot #moonbat #conspiracy thegoldenagegoddess.com

“For the people who think this entire QAnon thing and the global mass-arrests are a complete farce, allow me to explain the legal justification to what is soon about to take place. For the last 19 years our nation has been undergoing a SILENT WAR between military intelligence and The Cabal (New World Order). Though I can't go into all of the details, America has not just been at "War Against Terror" BUT WITH EMBEDDED LUCIFERIAN TERRORISTS OPERATING WITHIN OUR OWN COUNTRY. What I'm about to share is simply a historical breakdown of the legal maneuvers that have led us unto this tenuous point in American and world history.

Were you aware that America is right now under a "declared state of war" since 9/11/01?

That declaration has NEVER STOPPED. It's been continuous for the last 19 years. The "War on Terror" has been an ongoing war since the times of George W. Bush and the fall of the World Trade Center. In fact, this ongoing DECLARED STATE OF WAR does not have a specific enemy nation. It's been a very broad-based non-specific "War on Terror." This non-specific DECLARED STATE OF “WAR ON TERROR” was obviously used by the Illuminati and their Rothschild puppets (Bush and Obama) to loot and plunder the Middle East, kill hundreds of thousands of innocent Afghanis, Iraqis, Syrians, and Libyans for their country's resources, and also to institute Rothschild Central Banks in those nations.

According to constitutioncenter.org

( https://constitutioncenter.org/blog/when-congress-once-used-its-powers-to-declare-war )
“A DECLARATION OF WAR automatically brings into effect a number of statutes that confer SPECIAL POWERS ON THE PRESIDENT and the Executive Branch, especially about measures that have domestic effect,” it says... these include GRANTING THE PRESIDENT DIRECT POWER TO TAKE OVER BUSINESSES AND TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS AS PART OF THE WAR EFFORT; THE ABILITY TO DETAIN FOREIGN NATIONALS; THE POWER TO CONDUCT SPYING WITHOUT ANY WARRANTS DOMESTICALLY; and the power to use natural resources on public lands."

This clever bit of LEGAL JUSTIFICATION to plunder many nations and fulfill the desires of the Rothschilds all in one bang seemed fantastic under Illuminati puppets such as Bush and Obama. They went bargain shopping all over the world, stealing oil from Iraq, plundering Kaddafi's Libyan gold, taking control of Afghanistan's poppy fields for their CIA drug trade operations, while at the same time procuring child-slaves in these same countries for their Delta 6 intelligence/assassin operations.

But what would happen if a NON-ILLUMINATI PRESIDENT, someone like Donald J. Trump, came to power in this nation? He could not be bought out by special interest groups because he is already a wealthy man. Bribing or honey pot sex traps have long been the hooks of choice to ensnare politicians in blackmail, but what happens when the most powerful person in the world is NOT FOR SALE?

Maria Nesa #crackpot #magick #wingnut thegoldenagegoddess.com

The Sisterhood of the Rose

Remembrance of the ancient ways

Priestesses and Priests anchoring Love and Light

The initiates of the the Sisterhood of the Rose gather in sacred circles who work for the betterment of mankind. The Priestesses usually formed twelve groups and each group composed of twelve women creating 144.
Now, many sisters and brothers, in larger numbers, are called gather to anchor as much Love and Light to the Planet as possible.
Below is a compilation and a more in depth look into some key historical figures:


Queen Ashtar tara of Atlantis as it was understood in the times of the priests of the following cultures in their language: Ishtar, Inanna, Hathor, Isis, Neith, Astarte, Asherah, Venus, Aphrodite, Athena, Pallas, Idun, Sigrun, Our Lady and not least Mary Magdalene and Goddesses of the path of the Divine Feminine sisters of the Eternal Fire. Ashtar-tara is also known as the White lily & Queen of Atlantis.

The first sisters of the Eternal Fire of Ashtar Tara came at the "Temple of Love" at the center of the Atlantis Territory approximately 43 678 years ago. The philosophy of the Mystery School of the Sisterhood of the Eternal Fires is located outside the boundaries of organized religious concepts and, with this, prejudices of the society.

Mary Magdalene

Mary Magdalene was the wife of Jeshua of Nazareth and the mother of his children, a daughter Sarah and son Elijah. One of the original Earth Mothers that came to the Earth from the stars long before humanity arrived. These 12 Earth Mothers created all the crystalline gridlines and sacred portals of the Earth body in preparation for mankind.

Maria Nesa #ufo #crackpot thegoldenagegoddess.com

Dear Ones

Dreamtime visions are increasing.

This morning I had a clear and vivid dream of driving in a car. As I looked up towards the sky, I saw a ship of golden colors hovering right above the lower clouds in the atmosphere.

There are many space crafts in our atmosphere within the Astral and Etheric plane now.

Many ships are cloaked and will reveal themselves when the moment is right.

They are from many divisions within the Galactic Fleet that is here to aid our planet in Peace.

My awareness was drawn to the sky more and as I looked around, more ships revealed themselves to me.

I saw many different kinds of ships in our atmosphere that was many different sizes and shapes.

Many of these ships are on a higher dimensional frequency and can be revealed to all when humanity is in a higher state of frequency. The aim is for all to raise their vibration on the surface of the planet. This will probably occur at the time of the event.

Once the collective consciousness is on a vibration that radiates Love, Joy, Kindness, Peace and Light, all on the planet will be able to make this connection and receive similar experiences that will enhance life for all.

If you are so guided, you may take a few moments each day to feel a deep sense of Peace within and find ways in your daily life to increase your vibration.

It is time for us to soon greet our Galactic Neighbors in Joy and Peace.

They are eager to land, to greet all on the surface of the planet and to assist and aid humanity with The Golden Age where there will be freedom, prosperity and abundance for all.

Even if there is chaos out there, it is recommended to stay in your center, breathe and remain calm.

In Love and Light
Maria Nesa