It’s true! I find it very weird how any time there’s a sexy female character is a movie or game it’s always SJWs bitching about the “male gaze”. What about lesbians who like seeing women wearing revealing outfits? I mean, if you’re so ass mad that there are men “objectify” video game and movie characters then what about lesbians? Yes, I know not all lesbians like this or that but stay with me here. With lal the male bashing when ever a female character shows many lesbians do you think like the character like that? The “male gaze” is always seen as this evil thing but lesbians are never mentioned in any of these articles! It’s just another case of a group only existing to SJWS when it suits their narrative. You’re a lesbian who likes female characters showing some ass? You don’t exist to them. You’re a woman who hates Disney Star Wars? SJWs will remove their own eyes or ears just to not acknowledge you. These far left fucks are far more misogynistic than what they claim america is because even in the small chance they do acknowledge women who don’t agree with them, they’ll just say “Oh you just have internalized misogyny so let me educate you!” Ugh!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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