Gwenllian & SanAntoneRose #transphobia

RE: Infiltration by TRA...possible conspiracy?

( Gwenllian )
I agree with you. When we look closely at the trans ideology, it has been pushed from the top down and gained traction through the money of some very powerful rich white men. George Soros anyone?

It slid under the left wing, like a cuckoo's egg, hiding among the LGB and libfem chicks, oblivious to the enemy in their midst. But why are the elites, politicians and businesses promoting it so hard?

1. It divides the left and sows confusion, thereby reducing the likelihood of a strong contender to right wing polititions who have lost a lot of popularity following lockdown, cost of living crisis and exposed corruption.

2. It greases the wheels leading to a normalisation of pedophillia. There are a lot of powerful and influential men who would benefit from this.

3. It creates a group of vulnerable and easily manipulated people who are medicalised for life. These people are cash cows for the pharmaceutical industry which makes the rich men even richer.

4. Womenhood is promoted as a commodity that can be bought and the pornified view of women as objects and fuck holes is promoted. The old stereotypes are back and we aren't even allowed the language to argue against it. This rips back many of our hard fought for rights and benefits all men in general. How can women fight for their abortion rights when they can't even call themselves women? How can survivors of rape and domestic abuse recover when they are forced to have a male key worker? How can a female inmate reform and rehabilitate when she is being raped and assaulted every night by her male cellmate?

The whole thing is a money making scam cult and a men's rights movement.

( SanAntoneRose )
You brought up a point I wish I had mentioned about the MRA. The gender-identity view on women is very gender-essentialist; that women have specific traits and interests, and if a woman doesn't fit those, she must be a man or some weird non-binary thing. Suddenly, being a woman is all about hair, makeup, jewelry, all of the stereotypical things. It's old-school sexism with a modern twist.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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