various commenters #transphobia

( Torreflor )
Will a female walk-away movement get democrats to come to their senses?
I know some black people are walking away from the democrats and opening up to voting republican or 3rd party. Is there a female equivalent of the #walkaway movement? As much as I care about reproductive rights, I'm not convinced that dems are even working to do anything about that. They can use it as a carrot on a stick to get female voters riled up every 4 years, the same way they rile up black people with racism without actually delivering legislation that would improve your life.


For me, reproductive rights don't mean anything if a male patient can enter a female only ward and harm you and then call you a bigot for complaining.

( eatmypussy )
Serious question: what have the Dems done for women’s rights lately??? They’ve decriminalized prostitution in California with predictably awful results. Allowed TIMs to terrorize & impregnate women in prison. Tried to allow the state to take away people’s children if parents don’t put them on cross sex hormones as minors.

I can think of several issues related to women where Republicans are doing a better job legislating than the Dems: keeping women’s sports eligibility open only to females; age-verification for pornographic websites; passing the women’s bill of rights & codifying sex in law.

I grow more disillusioned with the Democratic party by the day. Defending abortion is about the only thing they’re good for.

( pennygadget )

Also, we all know that Biden would federally outlaw abortion tomorrow if some TIM stomped into his office and cried, "Abortion is transphobic because i can't have one!!"

( J-Halleck )
You think Trump will improve things for women?

( Torreflor )
Is abortion access more important than preventing the rapes that would lead to needing an abortion in the first place? Poor and homeless and incarcerated women are being raped by men who pretend to be women. I’d rather deal with that and prevent rapes than just offer an abortion after the rape happens.

( pennygadget )
Democrats: "We're gonna force all you vagina people into intimate spaces with mentally ill penis people. But its okay because we will graciously permit you to have an abortion if you get knocked up! We're the feminist party!!"



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