Ethnic Natsoc, unnamed imam #sexist

[Based] I visited a mosque today

I'm not religious myself but my parents wanted me to go because today's a holiday. On days like these, it's the norm that the imam give a little speech on moral conduct and such. A part of the speech was about women.
He said that foids nowadays are becoming corrupted and sinful because they listen to much to each other. They hear from their friends about how they're "free" and are allowed to do more "things" than them and this makes foids jealous of this supposed freedom. Then they start nagging their husbands that he restricts them too much. Therefore, men should restrict their wives and female relatives from interacting too much with these types of women.

It was pretty based tbh ngl, I don't think you'd hear something like this in a church.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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