various commenters #transphobia

(note: responses to the post submitted here )
RE: Dear TRAs and Trans people, here’s what I think of you

( itsnotaboutewe )
I agree wholeheartedly.

This whole debacle went from "it's just one or two dysphoric men that pass as women so you won't even notice it" to "women don't exist so they have no right to single-sex spaces and we will take your kids and trans them against your will" in around 5 years. Every politician, writer, celebrity, lawmaker, social media influencer, and policy maker who helped force this destructive ideology through our society and our law courts should be banished forever from the public eye. They have shown how little critical thinking skills they have and how easily manipulated they are by bad actors selling cruel and devisive cults. They can never be trusted with power or influence again. This time will go down in history as the worst mind virus to hit the world since the dark ages of the witchcraft trials. I want their names and deeds etched in fucking stone in letters so big you can see them from space. I will never forget or forgive them. They deserve no mercy.

( RawSienna )
It’s a fig leaf for sex offenders. When you boil off the pseudo academic/scientific bullshit, what is left is men being able to prey on women and children sexually while at the same time muzzling and hobbling us legally and socially.

Fucking disgusting misogynistic perverts.

( spinningintelllect )
It's very hard not to hate them after interacting with them. There is nothing redeemable about this movement. I've never been on board with the trans, but it still somehow finds ways to disappoint me.

( Seven )
Yeah, I didn’t want to hate them. Really didn’t. But these people are EVIL. They are purely driven by profit (doctors, influencers), fetish or delusion. These people made me hurt SO BAD. So yeah, i do hate you now. And I hate you even more the minute you open your goddamn mouths in that nasally high pitched voice that is an offensive mockery of my own.

( Ooofffff )
Yep, also never wanted to hate. But knowing them and hearing them (and being yelled at by wokebros for saying I stand with JKR) resulted in hate.



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