Various Commenters #conspiracy #racist

Cope Germ. Thinking we were nothing and Germans were the best ones who were on the European continent.


spoilerSlavs have not invented anything. Western civilization is built on greek philosophy, roman statehood and germanic engineering.

The germans basically invented the modern world (jet engines, computers etc.) if the ancient germanic tribes were so primitive, then why did they conquer all of Europe from Spain to Rome and later found Russia? Look at the migration age germanic art. Much more detailed and complex than anything made by Slavs

You will be surprised how many of those “Germans” attacking Slavs online are actually Albanians LARPing

Of course everything must be an Analbanian! And surely this one too!

When you see such people, say something about Albanians or Kosovo and you will see how quickly these “Germans” come to defend their pure Illyrians in the Balkans since 6000BC

Smells like Fascism

“Fascism is when Albanians LARP as Germans on YouTube comments to attack Slavs”

He's right, many of these "Germans" are Albanians or American neo-Nazis. Germany is too brainwashed with new leftist policies for Germans to concern themselves with Slavs.

Didn't Red Army cure them of their superiority complex? Sanatoriums in the uranium mines in Siberia have some spare capacity if need be.

Everything bad in the world can be traced back to germans


He's not wrong though

Go blow an Arab, Merkel manlet



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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