Andrew Anglin #psycho #conspiracy #racist

[From “Feds Worried That Government Might Get What They Fucking Deserve”]

I’m against all violence, I denounce all violence, I legitimately don’t see a purpose in violence.

But I’ve got a joke for you:

What do you get when you cross a disenfranchised and beaten down, broken population of young white men with a society that abandons them and treats them like trash, blocks their ability to successfully reproduce, floods them with foreigners, and then locks them in their houses and steals their election?

I’ll tell you what you get: you get what you fucking deserve.

Federal law enforcement officials are warning that domestic extremists are likely more emboldened to carry out attacks on President-elect Joe Biden’s upcoming inauguration and throughout 2021 after seeing the success of last week’s siege on the US Capitol.[…]

Don’t go to the inauguration. Whatever you do, do not do that. Don’t even go there and yell. Frankly, don’t even go there as a journalist or a peaceful observer or whatever. This is literally going to be like the coronation of Emperor Palpatine.
The power of the Capitol Storm, and why it is supported by at least half of Republicans, is that it was not violent. I don’t want to talk about the role of violence in revolutions, and I’m not going to talk about that ever, really. But we can all understand this: the feds are looking for blood, and they are going to try their damndest to get some.

They wanted blood at the Capitol Storm, which is why it was allowed to happen in the first place, and all they got was a woman, a military vet who fought in their stupid Jew wars, murdered by a traitor cop.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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