various commenters #wingnut #racist

( @Nature_and_Race )
- You can't lose your social media accounts for criticizing White people

- You can't lose your job for criticizing White people

- You can't be thrown out of school/university for criticizing White people

- Not one single country on earth will imprison you for criticizing White people

- You can't be charged with a hate-crime for physically attacking White people

Yet we're supposed to believe in systemic White supremacy?...

( @freethoughinfinite )

The ability to break
every law in the country
and still remain the

( @JusSaySo )
@NatureAndRace And be protected and honored for killing a small unarmed White woman on Jan 6.

( @Becnelsu )
@NatureAndRace 💯 I’m sharing everywhere. Now flip it, a white person Can get in trouble for criticizing anyone
ESPECIALLY a Zionist Jew or black person regardless of what the criticism refers to... one can ID an oppressor as one that cannot be criticized...

( @Nature_and_Race )
@Becnelsu -- Not just a Zionist Jew, but ANY Jew.

( @Becnelsu )
@NatureAndRace ok ty! They all practice Talmudism? Please educate me on the Torah...
Ty in advance

( @Nature_and_Race )
@Becnelsu -- The Jewish race came first, then the religion. Judaism is the product of Jewish blood. It's not a religion, as much as a guide for life here on earth.

When it comes to Jews, it doesn't matter whether they're religious or atheist, Zionist or Communist - they are acting on behalf of their Jewish racial instincts at all times. And that's what makes the Jews so destructive. It's their racial instincts.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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