various commenters #wingnut #racist
( @Nature_and_Race )
- You can't lose your social media accounts for criticizing White people
- You can't lose your job for criticizing White people
- You can't be thrown out of school/university for criticizing White people
- Not one single country on earth will imprison you for criticizing White people
- You can't be charged with a hate-crime for physically attacking White people
Yet we're supposed to believe in systemic White supremacy?...
( @freethoughinfinite )
BLACK PRIVILEGEThe ability to break
every law in the country
and still remain the
( @JusSaySo )
@NatureAndRace And be protected and honored for killing a small unarmed White woman on Jan 6.
( @Becnelsu )
@NatureAndRace 💯 I’m sharing everywhere. Now flip it, a white person Can get in trouble for criticizing anyone
ESPECIALLY a Zionist Jew or black person regardless of what the criticism refers to... one can ID an oppressor as one that cannot be criticized...
( @Nature_and_Race )
@Becnelsu -- Not just a Zionist Jew, but ANY Jew.
( @Becnelsu )
@NatureAndRace ok ty! They all practice Talmudism? Please educate me on the Torah...
Ty in advance
( @Nature_and_Race )
@Becnelsu -- The Jewish race came first, then the religion. Judaism is the product of Jewish blood. It's not a religion, as much as a guide for life here on earth.
When it comes to Jews, it doesn't matter whether they're religious or atheist, Zionist or Communist - they are acting on behalf of their Jewish racial instincts at all times. And that's what makes the Jews so destructive. It's their racial instincts.