your personality #crackpot #racist #sexist #wingnut

LifeFuel For ricecels. You don't have it the worst and here's why.

compared to brown incels:

Your skin tone isn't poop colored brown.
You aren't suspected to be a terrorist or scammer at first sight.
Your cultural customs are acknowledged and not seen as a meme.
Your currency has a much better chance of replacing the dollar as the world's reserve currency.
Western media is likely not to promote regime change of your countries because they know there will be severe consequences if they do that.
Food insecurity is less of an issue. The phrase that there are starving children in China or Japan is more true of the US and Latin American countries.
Asian males are known to have a ruthless side.
There are Asian street gangs with a serious and respectable reputation.
Your countries aren't low IQ or completely unsanitary.
The cultural power of anime, kpop and video games has improved the image of Asian culture.
Many girls like anime and kpop and this improves the SMV of an average decent looking Asian guy too.
Like whites, you can afford to be more feminine and small and look cute instead of looking like a creepy skinny brown dude.
Asian countries are known to be technologically advanced even compared to many western countries.
Asian countries aren't politically correct or social justice oriented.
Asian countries like China are on track to displace western countries like US within a few years. They have also surpassed the US in many ways already.
China landed a rocket on the moon. India and Israel failed to do that.
Asians fought back against white colonialist powers.
Britain had to give back Hong Kong and doesn't have a chance of getting it back.
The western way of life has proven not to be superior and is rapidly falling apart.
It is not considered a meme for China to be an eventual superower unlike with countries like India or Pakistan.
Asian countries aren't locked in skirmishes with each other and as a result can more easily take on western military powers.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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