"Ok, give me an example of how I misinterpret the Bible."
Oh, you don't need to:
...it misinterprets itself.
But then, what should we expect from something that shapes the mindsets of right-wing Fundamentalist Christians? Their very own 'Word of God' is chock-full of lies. And not only lies, neither:
Jim Bakker. Jimmy Swaggart. Ted Faggard. Kent Hovind. Tony Alamo. The list goes on...:
And it's we Atheists who are supposed to be the depraved, amoral sinners?! Matthew 7:1 ring any bells?
Put your own house in order*, right-wing Fundamentalist Christians, before you can even think you have the right to have so much as an 'opinion' about the activities & lifestyles of others.
'Grace through faith'? 'OSAS'? Oh yes, the preferred doctrine(s) of the right-wing Fundamentalist Christian. It basically gives them carte blanche to continue to be an unjustifiable douchebag cunt, under the facade of still considering themselves 'Saved'. PROTIP: James 2:26. Which means that those who claim to be 'Saved', by definition - and by virtue of their own religious doctrine - has no right whatsoever to even think about lying (9th Commandment, and all that jazz). Thus one who claims to be 'saved', yet lies - and continually does so - isn't saved after all.
Therefore you forfeit the right to be respected, never mind listened to. Least of all think you have the right to condemn and/or be judgemental against others. Like I say: Matthew 7:1.
Consider that, the next time you even think of condemning we Atheists to that so-called 'Hell'.
*- Ah, but if there were ruthless, merciless, hyper-savage, 'guilty until proven innocent' McCarthy-esque witchhunts & show-trials against fundie preachers, pastors etc, to purge any heretic sinners - which spread further to believers as a whole, there would be no right-wing Fundamentalist Christianity left in the US.
Yet, it's they who dare to think that they have the right to be McCarthyistic about anyone else not exactly like them. Oh, the doublethink. Oh, the hypocrisy. Oh, the SHAME!