Fr. John+ & Warlock #crackpot #fundie #racist

RE: Young Black Men and Teens Are Killed by Guns 20 Times More Than Their White Counterparts

(Fr. John+)
The inability to be given absolution for your sins (and all crimes are sins) weighs heavily on a conscience- until such consciences are 'seared as with a red-hot iron' and then become Diabolical narcissists. So, yes, because Blacks and certain J-words) don't have the benefit of sacramental absolution, they become schizophrenic. And thus, blaming 'Whitey' for their crimes both gives them a false sense of moral rightness, as well as a convenient 'Other' to scapegoat. Don't you know that is what 'The Authoritarian Personality' by Theodor W. Adorno, Else Frenkel-Brunswik, Daniel Levinson, and Nevitt Sanford was all about- guilt transference for the crime of deicide, to blaming Whites for (((their))) inability to feel forgiven?

'and they were four times more likely to be victims than white females' And if compared to, say, Asian women or the Pacific ones? Or, are they scared of publishing those figures? On a different note: Always disproportionately hit… At least, now they have a beautiful excuse for the continual shooting - the White supremacy. What was it before? Anyone remembers?

Killed *BY* guns? Please figure out that guns possess no volition of their own, Nada.

Apparently, the blacks' belief in spirits makes them see the guns as something possessed with spirits. In this case, it is the White supremacy spirit that makes that poor black yuff take the gun and shoot his neighbor... The same White supremacy spirits inhabit all the monuments, schools, universities, - everything - around the poor, enslaved (until the virus era) blacks so they can not be responsible for anything they do. And it also includes the areas completely inhabited and ruled by the blacks (see Haiti for one)



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