Tatsuya Ishida #conspiracy #racist sinfest.xyz

Submitter’s note: This is comic #50 in the “Through the Rabbi Hole” series, which started out as an anti-Semitic riff on the Disney version of Alice in Wonderland but has since gone completely off the rails.


Panel 1: Year Person 2024 in the role of “Alice” walks past an open-air butcher shop.

Panels 2-8: Jews are excitedly watching a cock fight. The white rooster is wearing heavy armor with a Christian cross on it; the black rooster is wearing heavy armor with a Muslim moon-and-star on it.

Panels 9-10: Both Roosters destroy each other’s eyes. Also Tats doesn’t seem to know that Roosters mainly strike with their rear spurs, not their front claws.

Panel 12: Jews still excited despite that the fight is basically over in a draw as the roosters are blind, bleeding heavily, and about to collapse. Three mustachioed men in the background eagerly count their money (one is also licking his thumb). 2024 Alice is horrified. Also there are signs on the buildings diagramming the meat cuts for cows, chickens, and sheep.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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