Jason Alberty and oxforduniversity M #wingnut #moonbat #conspiracy msn.com

(Jason Alberty)
Erdogan allows for fair elections because Turkey is a democracy. Here in the US, we silence and use the FBI/DOJ to after political opponents to the war mongers. The dictatorship is here in the West.

(oxforduniversity M)
Good because remember president Bush and secretary of state James Baker both guaranteed to Russia on March 8, 1991 that NATO would not expand one inch east where they didn't but betrayed Russia by pushing 14 countries instead. See how this works, the US lies and the other align on the right side of history after all thats how wars start, you betray people and your in a hot war. Russia and China said for over 20 years about security guarantees and who says one thing and does the other, Washington does folks



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