Galactic Federation of Light via Dancing Dolphin #crackpot #magick #ufo
The first thing that you may notice when the Ascension Event begins to happen, (if you are on the side of the planet where people are awake and going about their day), is that people will suddenly become quiet. If they are driving a car, they will pull over because their Higher Self is telling them to do so. So, whatever people are doing, they will suddenly stop and be quiet. We account for things such as flying airplanes, people going very fast in cars, trains or ships. We watch over and protect them.
The people on the dark side of the planet will experience this while they are asleep. In this manner, you will dream the experience. Everyone will dream the experience. Honestly, people will dream of some mode of transportation, and they will get off this transportation at the appropriate spot for them.
People will go to the area that feels comfortable to them, whether it is 3D, 4D, 5D, 6D or higher. When they get there, they will rest for a bit more, they literally are going there in their bodies. They will dream the experience but wake up there in their bodies. You will not feel afraid, you will feel a bit confused but your Angel guides, your Spirit guides and/or your Higher Self will be there to talk you through it.
We give you these examples of what the Ascension Event may look like in your world with the hope that this information will be a comfort to many. We know that there is concern regarding the separation of your family and friends who may end up in a different destination than you. When that happens (because it will happen to many different people), you will not mourn them as if they are dead. You will understand that you went to where you were meant to go, and they did the same. You will feel connected to them, you will still remember them. You will mourn their loss, but not as if they were dead. You will feel comforted. As we stated earlier, your Angel and Spirit Guides and Higher Self will always be with you to provide understanding.