@Titania & Skide
If it's of any consolation, remember...
....Authoritarians ALWAYS shoot themselves in the foot...ALWAYS.
The lesson...also...is for nations to NEVER REST on their laurels when a bad system is overthrown and to NEVER let a bad system get such a foothold to the point to where it's super hard to overthrow.
Had Poland kept an eye out for Fascists, early on...had those Fascists and their propaganda been nipped in the bud early on...had the fears and prejudices of the citizens been addressed early on...this wouldn't be happening.
I've seen it first-hand in my "Glorious First-World Land of Freedom & Opportunity®"...Many great gains were made in Labor, The Social Safety Net, Civil Rights, Feminism, Sexual & Reproductive Freedom, etc. that many figured that Progress was a "done deal" and the old "Gilded Age/Segregation/etc." stuff was old news. We mostly ignored or played with the Far-Right with "kid gloves" and the Sodomites, Teabaggers and Trumpsters have pretty much been taking over and rolling back all those gains.
On the bright side; They won't succeed because the majority of Americans are catching them just in time and it's hard to establish a hard-core TheoFashy Plutocracy when your national mythology and Constitution argue in detail for Enlightenment Ideals, Human Rights and are treated as sacrosanct...and there's plenty of stupidity on the tyrant's side and debunking by the freedom side. We may have a cruel bigoted history but bigotry is not the default philosophy of our Nation's ideals. WE'RE ON TO THEM! WE WILL NOT LET IT GO AS FAR AS IT DID WITH POLAND!
My fave space francise, Star Wars, even expresses this...Look at the Sequel Trilogy; The Empire was resoundingly and awesomely defeated! The Ewoks danced to "Nub Yub"! The Jedi would Return! The Republic was reborn!
But said Republic rested on their laurels, completely ignored that Imperial Remnant in the Unknown Regions (who also sent moles within the Republic) assumed Imperial-anything was gone forever and ignored the concerns of the Rebellion & Republic's greatest champion, Leia Organa.
They wouldn't even be bothered to send a secret reconnaissance mission to even check if what Leia said was valid...It wouldn't have hurt to have a probe take photos of Starkiller getting built and Star Destroyers getting made and go, "SEE?!".
And so; The Hosnian System went "BOOM" and we're back to Square One, thus putting a bit of a wet blanket on my childhood nostalgia and Ewok/Force Ghost dance parties (knowing the Awesomesauce would only last about 30 years before everything goes South, again)!!
I don't know much about the Solidarity Movement in Poland but I think it was Anti-Communist, am I right? Fascism is the opposite of Communism and I guess Poland is a very devoutly Catholic country. I'd imagine that many of the same Joe & Jane Q. Polishpersons who supported Solidarity may be the same that, in ignorance, support the new guard and didn't know better unless it's too late.
To Skide; I am so happy to hear that you escaped the big Pirogi Of Doom and plan on having family move to the Maple Leaf of Awesome! I wish you and for family well.