Duma i Nowoczesnosc #fundie facebook.com

TVN this evening aired its undercover investigation into Polish neo-Nazis.

It focused on the group Duma i Nowoczesnosc (Pride and Modernity), showing how its president last year organised a celebration of the 128th anniversary of Hitler's birth.

At the event, Nazi flags were hung from trees, an 'altar' honouring Hitler was set up, and the participants, some of whom were dressed in Wehrmacht and SS uniforms, gathered around a flaming swastika. At the end they made a toast 'to Adolf Hitler and our homeland, beloved Poland'.

One leading figure in DiM, Jacek Lanuszny, is an assistant to member of parliament Robert Winnicki, the president of Ruch Narodowy (a movement that aims to be the respectable face of Polish nationalism).

TVN reports that, after Winnicki intervened in an investigation into the president of DiM, the national prosecutor's office, which is under the control of justice minister Zbigniew Ziobro, discontinued the case.

As NfP has notes previously, last year the prosecutor's office reportedly intervened to encourage a court to withdraw an indictment against radical-nationalist priest Jacek Miedlar and to reduce the sentence given to his colleague, Piotr Rybak, for publicly burning a Jewish effigy.



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