HungryRobotics and UnbannableMrRipley #dunning-kruger #sexist #forced-birth
Still from the same poster that claim 12 can’t safely carry a baby to term.
Disclaimer, in use this subreddit to guess based on what I know about whatever it is. So, since I'm not looking, I won't have any sources to cite, be able to back up arguments much further than presented or guarantee you won't fail your test of you use my answers
Contrary to the idea...not long ago I checked the numbers...the carry babies to term and have them quite well... There isn't much of risk increase at all.. their bodies...amazing and resilient (no, you are never going to ruin that pussy with that)
But, do keep in mind, young and inexperienced mother's, especially without a solid strong support system and accepting wonderful community are going to have anton of other problems...
School, post pardum depression, trouble with their social circle, work and income..met.
And the babies themselves are at high risk for attachment disorders.
Biologically... 12 is middle-aged... when the average life span was 30... women were married and had children at 13... IF, a girl becomes pregnant at 12 (GOD FORBID) it has been proven many, many times that they can carry a baby to term. It is actually far more dangerous to have a baby at 40 than at 12.