Mike Adams the Health Ranger #racist #wingnut #crackpot #conspiracy brighteon.com

Brighteon Broadcast News, Aug 2, 2024 – Why the world DESPISES the violence and terror of Israeli, UK and US governments

- Israel's actions in the Middle East, condemning Netanyahu's government for murder and war crimes. (0:03)

- Netanyahu's speech to Congress, and the shameless applause from lawmakers. (9:56)

- Larry Johnson: Israel's actions violate Christian values and principles. (16:22)

- US Empire's global influence, violence, and economic sanctions. (30:29)

- Western governments operate as a satanic death cult. (43:46)

- Zionism and its controversial origins. (49:39)

- Trump's actions and implications for end times prophecy. (1:10:39)

- Christian Zionism and anti-Semitism. (1:16:31)

- Freedom of speech and debate with controversial opinions. (1:38:19)

- The importance of carbon dioxide for photosynthesis and life on Earth. (1:47:11)

- Carbon dioxide as the "miracle molecule" for the biosphere. (1:59:21)



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