Humans did NOT evolve from fish nor apes. It that be the case would we not be still transforming into other forms of 'animals'? Fish are NOT animals... so therefore how in the world can a fish transform into a human?
<< It that be the case would we not be still transforming into other forms of 'animals'? >>
That is exactly what we ARE doing. It just takes a vast amount of time to happen (and it is populations, not individuals, that do the changing). Recorded history is less than 10,000 years; let it run another few million or so and you'll have some real data to work with.
Oh, and as for fish not being animals, that's just laughably silly. What do you think they are? Plants? Minerals? Of course they're animals! And if you insist otherwise, try explaining it to the biologists -- that I'd like to see!
~David D.G.
Here's another gem from that thread:
in today's world, I don't trust scientist. They are the ones that created the HIV virus, without having a cure for it before they tested it on people.
No I don't believe a word from any scientist at all."
quote from St Augustine of Hippo - 4th century theologian, world's first autobiographer, and patron saint of brewers and sore eyes.
"It not infrequently happens that something about the earth, about the sky, about other elements of this world, about the motion and rotation or even the magnitude and distances of the stars, about definite eclipses of the sun and moon, about the passage of years and seasons, about the nature of animals, of fruits, of stones, and of other such things, may be known with the greatest certainty by reasoning or by experience, even by one who is not a Christian. It is too disgraceful and ruinous, though, and greatly to be avoided, that he [the non-Christian] should hear a Christian speaking so idiotically on these matters, and as if in accord with Christian writings, that he might say that he could scarcely keep from laughing when he saw how totally in error they are. "
Once again we see a post too asinine for me to properly comment on it, thus I once again bring in my beloved foreign man-slave, CousinYed, to do the job for me...
Come on folks! Of course fish aren't animals. They are little orange crackers with a cheddar cheese flavor. Some even have little smiles on their face.
Once again...HUMANS ARE APES
There is a conspiracy "theory" out there that asserts HIV was generated to reduce the number of black Africans (absurd I know), and another that claims HIV arose in humans as a result of the polio vaccine testing in baboons, although I am hazy on how that ended up in the human population. But yeah, don't trust scientist and refuse any medical help when you get sick so you can be consistent.
A little further in the thread:
"Re: What's sickening
by: readyoknot 04/05/06 03:57 pm
Msg: 771 of 4821
in today's world, I don't trust scientist. They are the ones that created the HIV virus, without having a cure for it before they tested it on people.
No I don't believe a word from any scientist at all.
Posted as a reply to: Msg 719 by dendronbat"
I'm still amazed at how some people can still have such wildly incorrect ideas of the ToE. Advocates of the ToE are not contending that fish turned into humans, though if you go back far enough, you will find common ancestry for *all* earthly life forms.
readyoknot -- Please try to keep up. You're holding back the group.
I will say this for him . . . in large part, humans have ceased our evolutionary climb, since we have shut down the avenues that are required for the evolutionary process to move forward. Ironically, science is to blame.
Fish in disguise
“Humans did NOT evolve from fish nor apes.”
Wrong. Sorry.
“It that be the case would we not be still transforming into other forms of 'animals'?”
We are evolving. Veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery slowly. Not in any way you’re imagining, though.
“Fish are NOT animals...”
Wow. I thought you were wrong, before.
You’re moving into a fractal state of wrongitude.
“so therefore how in the world can a fish transform into a human?”
You know that part of ‘evolve’ is the word ‘change,’ right? Not everything we evolved from would be classified as an animal. So even if your premise wasn’t all cocked up, your conclusion is not supported.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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