RE: How do you react when you see TIMs overtly dehumanize women?
If they saw female experiences as human experiences, they wouldn't be trans. The entire foundation of their cult belief system is that there is some "feeling" that ~3.9 billion women share that is separate from the feeling that ~3.9 billion men share. If they saw women as equally human to men, they'd understand we're just normal people living our lives who happened to be born one of the two sexes. They'd know there is no way to copy us or identify into our group because being a woman goes no further than that. This is why I don't bother trying to see past differences with TIMs. The sexism and dehumanization is guaranteed if someone thinks woman is a feeling rather than a sex.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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