Various Incels #psycho #sexist

How many sex slaves should a man be allowed to own in an ideal society?
0, women should have equal rights Votes: 6 19.4%
0, foids should be housewives with few rights rather than slaves Votes: 5 16.1%
1 Votes: 6 19.4%
2-4 Votes: 6 19.4%
5-10 Votes: 1 3.2%
As many as he can afford Votes: 7 22.6%
Total voters 31

I think 2-4 would be an ideal balance, low enough to be affordable for most men but not high enough to cause severe sex slave ownership inequality.

First, sex ratio must be fixed, if one man will have 4 foids, others will have 0

The first would be ideal initially. But after sex slave businesses kick off and start mass producing foids they'd become more affordable for all men.

0, foids need to be exterminated

That's sounds gay

Bots or nothing. Females have proven to be defective enough times.


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There's nothing illegal about saying men should own women. It's a fact through history



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