pornoddio #crackpot #sexist

It's not that chads "get away with things". They are demanded to do such things.

I listen and read to people that describe behavior of Chads, not understanding that Chads are being asked to behave that way.

For example there is an incel that told me about one chad that was burping, he met a foid that way, they had sex. Instead he coped thinking that "chad get away with things". It's irrational to believe that Chads "get away with things".

Not true. Chads are behaving like foids think a Chad should behave. Why are you asked to behave differently? Because you are not Chad.

Foids want all men to follow the rules of civilized behavior, with the exception of Chads. The code of conduct and rules of respectable behavior are just the incel morality. The Chad morality system is another one.

Think of the issue in this way, it's like you are born a slave and trained to be a slave. Instead Chad is trained in another way and he has a totally different moralset. Chad gets away with nothing, even he has duties. It's just that the system needs the existence of both Chads and Incels, because both are framed in a specific way.

Chad is supposed to own all the pussies and you are supposed to behave in a civilized manner.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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