various commenters #wingnut #racist


spoilerIn the event of nuclear war I want to
remind everyone that there is
nothing a nuclear missile could do to
Baltimore City that hasn't already
been achieved by the civil rights act

@Dissidentsoaps Black people are the original weapon of mass destruction

@Dissidentsoaps I disagree.. it would clean the place up for MANY years..

@Dissidentsoaps Arguably not as bad

@Dissidentsoaps Baltimore? Heard they are pro green. Stop sending semi tractor trailers to Baltimore.

@Dissidentsoaps Ha ha. There’s nothing a nuclear bomb could do to the United States that Jews haven’t done already

@Dissidentsoaps Do not for one second think Baltimore is run by blacks. They are merely the puppets. The puppet masters are Jews and Catholics is some bizarre consortium.

I was in Baltimore just after some of the Freddie Grey riots. The city was occupied by national guardsmen stationed on numerous street corners. We decided to go into Baltimore since it was apparently safer with the MDNG deployed and patronize a restaurant for lunch. We really did feel safe and had a great lunch at the Thames Street Oyster House. The surreal experience for me was that there was a group of male Jews who were about 40 years of age seated almost out of earshot but not quite…. They were discussing their next moves for Baltimore in conjunction with the Obama administration; they were obviously using the riots to cloak something but I just couldn’t discern what they were obfuscating.

This charade is so well concealed that even when I almost see through it I just can’t quite pull the curtain back fully.

I’ve said it before and will say it again- Molly McCulley’s murder in Baltimore is closely related to Seth Rich’s death in DC.

McCulley figured out how (((they))) we’re stealing the elections via information manipulation during satellite transmissions.




So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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