Yes, we are literally surrounded by life-threatening diseases. So much more reasons to protect us from the ones we have vaccinations against, to reduce the number of threats!
You don’t have the right to risk other people’s lives by refusing to vaccinate against deadly diseases. You are reducing the herd immunity, which protects those who can’t vaccinate due to certain medical reasons. That herd immunity is also protecting YOU against the diseases you refuse to vaccinate against. So, you benefit from the vaccination-programs that you refuse to participate in, you selfish prick!
Literally BILLIONS of vaccinations have been performed, since the days of Edward Jenner. Very, very few people report any side effects, and even fewer have lasting problems. I have been vaccinated around ten times, and I have never had any lasting problem from any of them. I’ve got tetanus shots a couple of times, after I cut myself with a box-cutter, or crushed my glasses between the forehead and the floor during epilepsy seizures, for example.
I had measles when I was young, because there was no vaccination yet, and it was horrible. I’d take a seconds-long prick in my arm any day, instead of that painful week, with itchy rashes all over the body, fever that made the itch worse, and being told not to scratch, or there might be pock-marks for life. The only thing my parents could do to help us kids (my two siblings and me; it’s a VERY contagious disease), was to cover our bodies with baby-powder, to reduce the itch somewhat.
If you refuse to vaccinate, then the rest of us can refuse you access to public places, where you might risk people’s lives without their consent. End of story.