How come no scientist has ever debunked Flat Earth using physics? Just saying physics over and over again isn't physics now is it?
A laser from Earth can be reflected back from the Moon: via devices placed there in past Apollo missions.
A laser from the US - across the Atlantic - should be able to not only be detected but reflected back from Ireland.
If the world is 'Flat'.
There's an extremely good reason why Spartan Laconic Wit exists, OP.
There was a Flat Earth Conference. People came to it, from AROUND the world.
Seriously, I remember my Dad telling me that the reason I couldn’t see too far out to sea, was because of the curve of the Earth. You can’t see over a tennis ball, he said.
Just because you refuse to accept any proving that involves math, evidence, or logic, doesn't mean that you weren't supplied answers that contain any combination of the three.
If the Earth were flat, time zones wouldn’t exist and everyone would see the same constellations no matter where in the world they were.
Also, I think this needs the “conspiracy”, “crackpot” and “dunning-krueger” tags.
@Vanto #98064
The modern day flattists went the way of preserving timezones, and sacrificing sunrises/sunsets and some stars being visible only on one hemisphere.
Of course, they aren’t admitting to the second part. Usually they just scream “PERSPECTIVE!” at the sunrise/sunset, and I don’t know what they even do for the stars. Probably just declare them fake news.
IMO they should just have gone with the classic “plate with sun going around it”, and then say that the firmament has a refractory index gradient in just the correct way, that it takes longer and longer for sunlight to reach you, the farther west you go. At the westmost edge, you are just seeing yesterday’s sunrise as the actual sun is setting next to you!
Of course I’m bullshitting, but that still makes more sense than their hovering spotlight sun looking like it’s setting, because perspective is magic.
Edit: and, of course, the most important super-logical megaproof:
If Earth was flat, the cats would have pushed everything off it by now!
edit: typos
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