Congressman Paul Gosar & various commenters #wingnut #transphobia

( Congressman Paul Gosar )
Elon Musk, who has now purchased Twitter, should reinstate every account banned for made up terms used by the Left to silence dissent, such as so-called "hate speech" or "misinformation".


( @Buckwheaty )
@DrPaulGosar I was banned for life for saying transgenders are mentally ill.

( @jooky )
@Buckwheaty @DrPaulGosar why do the Jews love trans people so much

( @Dixiewixie )
@Buckwheaty @DrPaulGosar that's because you phrased it improperly. It should've read as follows. "Trans" individuals are broken, demonically possessed, borderline crazy and hundreds of times more likely to commit suicide.

( @37N122W )
@DrPaulGosar my account was just reinstated within 5 minutes of my appeal.

Also, end dual-citizenship

( @bat_scat )
@DrPaulGosar get off yer ass and free the J6!



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