legopants #transphobia

1. Women who are afraid of men in their bathroom need to STFU & deal with it, but "transwomen need women's bathrooms because they're unsafe in men's"

2. Trans people can decide to declare someone isn't actually trans and/or that's not what being trans is, but women defining why someone's post/behavior isn't gender critical or radfem are told the person is 100% GC/radfem no matter what even obvi trolls

3. if you aren't trans you can't speak for them or about their experiences, but they can speak for women and about exclusively female experiences

4. TiP can make any claim, say anything, and it's automatically the truth despite no evidence and if you ask for proof you're told to "educate yourself", but women who make a claim about something have to provide tons of proof & evidence to be told anyway that it's somehow fake and trans ppl never have to educate themselves on what GC or Radfem actually means/believes

5. transwomen deserve to have the opportunity to participate in women's sports because men's would invalidate them and hurt their poor feelings or somehow make them "unsafe", but women have to compete with men feeling the same, get over it, and miss opportunities to sport so a man can take her spot

6. you don't get to decide if something is transphobic or not but TiP can tell you clear misogyny isn't misogyny and same w sexism

7. women aren't allowed female only online communities for any reason whatsoever even discussing female health, being lesbian, or sexual assualt, but TiP can have thousands and for anything reason even video game discussion or for their pets that are just for trans people

8. TiMs get to talk about porn fetishizing, dehumanizing, and degrading them and it's a serious issue many are disgusted with, reportable/bannable offense but women can stfu because porn doesn't hurt them whatsoever and literal abuse & rape porn is fine

9. cosmetic surgery for breast implants because you want it must be covered for transwoman so they don't experience "mental distress" and "affirm their identity" + it is "essentialal/life saving" but women experiencing pain every day of her life due to large breasts can't have reduction covered or performed or even get a referral because it's cosmetic surgery

Do you know of any others?



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