ionlycopenow #sexist #fundie

Never forget, claiming "not being incel" while incel = being docile and neutered

When you're being "nice and respectful", when you're one of those faggots who has female friends who won't fuck you for being unattractive (who women rightfully see as dickless faggots as well), you're only neutering snd castrating yourself. Anger is and always has been what creates change or action, when you stop being angry you just become complacent, castrated, and pathetic. Because if we go off the very definition of "incel", it is not a mindset but a state of being.

All these fags who walk around saying "I'm a virgin but not incel" are really just saying "I'm an incel who has accepted and even TAKES pride in being castrated". Because obvioisly, you can't just choose to not be incel if you literally do not get any pussy. You're neutered if you claim to. That's why women try to manipulate as many dudes into being in this state as possible, because they are no longer a threat to worry about, just a sad complacent NPC that won't bother anyone and will just shrivel up and die, which they won't care about either.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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