Various TERFs #moonbat #sexist

RE: A group of women bought a big territory on Alaska to create a women-only community

Yes! Here's to a return of the womyn's lands of the 1960's and 70's (some are still in existence, but they're rapidly dying out). Hopefully they can stay legitimately women-only.

I agree, I think they are slowly fading away. Had we found a community already dedicated to holding space for women's healing and wisdom we would've joined and put our efforts into that community. But I also think it's better to have more communities for women to give them more options. We'll always be female only😊

Fantastic. This is exactly what needs to be done. Teach girls to put money aside for land and let's start building oaseses of female separatism and autonomy.

I want this so badly. I want to do this so, so badly.....

I hope they stay safe. I just don’t trust men to not find them and do unspeakable things...


Good luck. Homesteading in Alaska is hard work, and the success rate of the people that want to do it is very low.

Men have built a ski slope snow dome in the middle of the Dubai desert. Women can do anything they want in Alaska...with money of course. If these women had the money they needed - invested or donated by other women - they could do what ever they wanted and succeed.

The TIMs showing up to use this for validation in 3...2...




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