actualdyke & n3847 #transphobia

Transactivism: the only "rights" movement that loses support as people learn more.

Title says it all really. It just completely astounds me that they continue to attempt to legitimize their movement by comparing it to the fight for civil rights or the fight for women's rights or the fight for gay rights. What all those movements had in common is while they may have been met with bigotry all throughout and still to this day, the general pattern is that the more the public learned about each group and the more the public learned about their movement and their goals and their requests, the more support they got & the more they changed people's minds about them, until finally they gained those rights and that support. Transactivism seems to be the only movement going the opposite way - they suddenly captured every institution in the West and have more support than any legitimate rights movement would ever dream of getting so fast (not to mention they have all the rights they claim not to have & more), yet the more TRUTH about them that the public learns, the more that that support seems to diminish & the more people are turning against them, not towards rhem

It's funny when they try to compare themselves to Black people. Black people be like, "Being Black isn't a mental illness", lol. The same with women, being a woman is not a mental illness. Being gay is not a mental illness. It's used to be considered that but, it's not. Homosexuals don't think the OPPOSITE of reality. They're just another sexual orientation. The TRAs keep compare what they are doing to the Gay Rights Movement but they are not the same. Gay Rights Movement's goal was acceptance and assimilation - NOT domination. They didn't seek to brainwash kids into being anything. They didn't promote dangerous and unnecessary surgeries and hormones. They didn't want to invade women's spaces. They didn't seek to convince anyone they were anything, only accept THEM as they are. The more we learn about TR movement, the more I despise them.

I started out as "Transwomen are women", I'm now ready to outlaw "transition" surgeries - therapy ONLY, declare Gender/Trans ideology as a public health crisis, exclude teaching of Trans/Non-Binary anything in schools in all 50 states - LGB only, ban them from sports altogether, and go to the Supreme Court to throw them out of women's spaces in all 50 states



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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