various commenters #wingnut #racist

( @disclosetv )
JUST IN - Texas declares invasion at the U.S. southern border and authorizes "unprecedented measures" to defend the state: Gov. Abbott

( @snakeplissken__ )
@disclosetv It's been an invasion for 50 years. Start executing them. I don't care if it's women are children. They're enemy combatants.

( @Watchman121 )
@snakeplissken__ @disclosetv
Nah, the women and children part was too much. Once the men are gone or unfortunately shot (if it comes to it,) then the women and children will get the message to stay away.

( @snakeplissken__ )
@Watchman121 @disclosetv They come here, grow up, and breed like rats while hating Whitey.

Set them all on fire. No fucking mercy.

( @Relic_Arcane )
@Watchman121 @snakeplissken__ @disclosetv

No, you spineless faggot.

Even the mixed mongrels will burn.
We are done with this "soft" genocide of our People.

Fire with motherfucking RISING FIRE!!!

( @DickieBennett )
@disclosetv No chance he did this on his own, without the approval of the establishment. None. This is scripted to relieve the pressure in the run up to 2024.

( @YakubRespecter )
@disclosetv Now that republicans can no longer win an election he wants to start taking action. Unbelievable. 🤦‍♂️

( @JeffLocke )
@disclosetv i.e. Abbott is preparing for a 2024 run. Otherwise, this would have occurred 2 years ago.

( @WellBehavedGoy )
@disclosetv I'll belive when I see it. He will probably just get more busses to send the invaders to the heart of the country.

( @Acadianna44 )
@WellBehavedGoy @disclosetv His FB post today: The first Texas bus of migrants has departed for Philadelphia.
The Lone Star State will continue doing more than any state in history to secure our border, including adding more sanctuary cities as drop-off locations for our busing strategy.

( @Murmaider )
@disclosetv Distraction from the recent Stolen results



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