Magenta Pixie #conspiracy #crackpot #magick
Magenta don’t you feel a responsibility to all your followers that you are brainwashing with your conspiracy theories?
My reply; I have said before and will say again, I do not have any ‘followers’. Aware and awakened individuals do not need a leader. They gain confirmation of their own inner knowings when they hear another say the same things.
There are no leaders or followers within this telepathic union, only brothers and sisters who are equal…each with a piece of the puzzle to add to the overall picture of truth. They are immune from brainwashing.
It is not possible to brainwash another aware individual, even if you tried to do this (which a great many do, for example mainstream media and world governments), it would not work. This is the reason they know the truth, because brainwashing doesn’t work on them!
Critical mass for that awakening makes a theory no longer a theory. Your comment is typical of one that is trying to cause a reaction in another, but this does not work with someone who is anchored and rooted in their own empowerment and sovereignty.
You will find there are many of those individuals also…a great many. It is time for those who hate, those who attack to step back now. To realise the battle for consciousness itself has been lost and that the Light has won. For when you attack us and ridicule us, all we see is your separation from Divinity and source.
You are playing out the old game, the old order and for us who stand in sunlight, those times are long since past.