various commenters #transphobia

( @doughnutnaps )
What the fuck is this @Target ?!?!
#TransWomenAreConMen #NoSuchThingAsTrans

( @doughnutnaps )
He’s everywhere! What the fuck @Target ?!

( @doughnutnaps )
Another one…and you can tell they edited the pic so his shoulders aren’t so pronounced or his collarbone. And the one where you can see his hands you can tell they did A LOT to make them “dainty” looking. But they can’t do a thing with that handsome squidward jaw.

( @Pterfodact86502 )
Who in the marketing department thinks women will run out and buy that lingerie modeled by a man? Really? This is regressive, not progressive.

#GoWokeGoBroke #Target

( @NoGenderBenderz )
Pls someone draw a penis

( @justsadie91 )
I saw this in my target and it pissed me off.

( @chuntasull )
I know, it's disgusting. Shame on anyone near a Target.

( @Festivalkyrie )
I didn't know that Michelle Obama had a younger brother. 😆

( @rabbitcover )
Trans propaganda is so effing creepy! I do not want to see this at Target.

( @mandurahmum )
Please don't tell me they allow men to try on women's panties or swimsuits. Just yuck

( @onedaymode )
Stopped going to Target a couple years ago when their sick practices were exposed. That company should be held legally liable for every woman assaulted by a man in a dress.

( @tailrotor )
The thing is...why are the advertisers not honest. The male model is posing bent forward so his penis doesn't bulge through the dress material. Let it, then the public can see EXACTLY what the advert is saying! And they won't like it!

( @Elizabe20613711 )
I saw this as well about a month ago. I find this offensive. Women have fought so hard in this country to exist. Men have no place taking a woman’s space. This is clearly just a man in a dress. I knew women, my great grandmothers who in their life time were not allowed to vote but eventually fought for and won their right to vote. It’s those women who are turning in their graves as male supremacy is making a comeback uglier than ever.

( @avril_britten )
just because



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