Crystalline Human Template via Galaxygirl #crackpot #magick #ufo
Greetings, beloved ones. We are the Crystalline Human Template. We are forming right under your noses. We are your future template for those who choose to embrace the light. (I am seeing inside the body dancing rainbow prisms as the neurons connect, as the cells communicate. I am feeling more space inside of me, less dense, less heavy. It is like my body is being filled with rainbow light and my forehead starts to throb.) We are the higher consciousness template downloading now into those who are attuned, awakened, aware and enlivened by these higher dimensional frequencies. To the others it will be like a breeze that they cannot feel for they are not sensing the presence of the wind. It is much like that. To those whose eyes are awake and stand on the cliff looking forward into the great chasm of the unknown, of beauty, of promise and hope, they can only feel this wind and meet it with joy. Joy is long coming for the ascending human. The ascended human template will be wired for joy, programmed for joy, for hope, for exploration into the great unknown. You will become galactic citizens in your own right and you will remember your many sojourns into the fore, into the great eternal Now.
We are the Crystalline Human Template. We are connecting now with this crystalline city that we have shown this one. Feel the download into your consciousness activating your DNA crystalline template further. Feel the inner knowing come online. Feel your inner power come online, in full alignment with the light. Lovingly invite your cells to drink in these codes and feel fuller of light than ever before and feel the inner longing be quenched. (I am seeing the waterfall of rainbow light that is in the city bathing the light workers with this rainbow water that sings. I am feeling that this will further unlock more gifts of clairsentience and clairaudience.)