American Tax Payer #fundie #racist #wingnut
RE: Chicago Mental Health Professionals Will Be Dispatched on 911 Calls Instead of Cops
"With only around 13,000 cops remaining, Fox News reported that Chicago’s 117,000 gang members now outnumber officers by roughly 10 to one, at a time when the Windy City is facing a surge in violent crime."
I imagine that cops hate answering calls involving the mentally ill, especially in black neighborhoods, where there freedom of action is restricted. Cops might actually like this policy. It remains to be seen whether social workers and “mental health professionals” have , on average, better outcomes.
"remains to be seen"? Are you serious? Most 911 Calls are from non-whites calling to quell their fellow non-whites and you can't tell what might happen when "mental health experts" show up?
For one, you know better and for two, I ain't no expert but even I know that violence is a guarantee and the "mental health experts" of Today will have no idea how to handle that.
The only Silver Lining here is that the SJW's of Sociology will finally get theirs.
'...The two teams each include a police officer trained in crisis intervention, a paramedic and a mental health clinician....' Alright, the Troika shall arrive and will face a De'Mark'Iand'A'Ndo with a rod in his hand, an empty look in his eyes, and his watermelon full of voices screaming and whispering something. Here's a psychotextbook clinical case for you: Which party - the Troika or the Voices - will De'Mark'Iand'A'Ndo listen to while the Troika is trying to outshout those voices?
Wrong and Right.
Blacks and Browns DO NOT Belong in The West and The Criminal/Criminally Insane Whites Will Be Dealt With BY Whites and
Non-Whites Take Care of Their Own in Their Own Lands.
Separation of The Races is God's Command. Disobey God and Your Civilization Will Rot Until You Correct Your Mistake.