various commenters #transphobia

"How do I stop my trans 4 yo telling everyone she used to be a boy?"

( SamanthaK )
This person needs to tell their child they are a boy but they can like whatever they like and love whoever they want. They are, however, a boy. Detransition this kiddo ASAP before too much damage is done. This was ALL the mom wanting to be progressive.

( pennygadget )
Jesus Christ. FOUR years old! And the adults around him are celebrating his mother putting him on the path to permanent mental illness and castration

I'm glad her son blurts out her secret. She SHOULD feel ashamed walking around in public while abusing her son

( puppy_cat )
It's so painfully obvious this is a very little kid who thinks simply wearing a dress makes him a girl and treats it like a little fun game that he wants to tell people about (as little kids do when they find something "cool"). And that he's also essentially treating it as little kids who think they're dinosaurs or trucks blurt this out to people. But of course he doesn't have any abstract reasoning to understand that his parent is a raging lunatic that is planning on sterilizing him eventually, because once those magic words "I'm a girl!" come out, the transhausen parents shift into gear immediately instead of acknowledging it as any other "I'm a dinosaur" "I'm a cat" "I'm Superman" make-believe all kids do.

( NastasyaFillipovna )
How is this not CHILD ABUSE ? My god the west made ungoldy advancements in medical science in the last 100 years, for this?



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