Various Incels #sexist

Chad gives white knight a brutal beating for defending a girl

So basically this guy, i assume a chad, was beating up his girlfriend, and some guy saw it and tried to defend her or call the cops or idk, and the chad gave him a brutal beating. After which the foid left with the chad and didn't even check to see if he was breathing JFL. The white knight with a good personality is still in a hospital in intensive care, while the chad is probably fucking his gf who's hornier than ever after seeing this

Recibe una brutal paliza al defender a una mujer del maltratador que la golpeaba

You know my favorite thing about blackpill? You literally can’t dispute it, there’s too much real life evidence

High IQ


We've all read the published academic research showing that FEMINISTS statistically prefer (intimacy-wise) "Neanderthal" misgynistic men. But still, we can't say any of this in open society... Let the Chads take out the simps.

there's something disturbing about this

do these cucks still think they're living in a civilization? and contributing to that civilization with their little sacrifices?

getting punched in the face by chad and then seeing him walk off happily with the woman is about the biggest wake up call, that you're living in a primitive tribal society of might makes right, completely at odds with betas making their little sacrifices for the greater good



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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