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Please alert the authorities. I'm not joking.

Matt #sexist #psycho incelocalypse.ru

[Life Fuel] Found an empty building near the edge of my town

I found a fully abandoned storage room near the edge of my town, I took a drive at 4 AM to it to bring rope to it, most of it being metal rope with spikes on it

As I was driving I got anxious someone would see me and question what I am doing, the more I drove the more anxious I got but luckily there was no one to see me, when I got there I saw there is nothing to tie a victim to so I will have to bring a chair there and tie them to it, preferably a dentist chair

The building isn't very far away from the road but still far away enough to be safe for relentlessly torturing a femoid since no one will check it and people walking on that road won't see anything suspicious, so after I bring my "torture equipment" I shouldn't need anything else, to be perfectly honest I am both anxious and exited to see a real life experiment on how someone who previously lived a privileged life reacts to months (or years, If I choose so) of unrelenting torture, sleep deprivation, isolation from anyone other than the torturer and boredom of just being tied up and looking at a wall, as for kidnapping the victims I can knock them out when they are sleeping with a heavy wrench, muzzle them and put them in my car

If a femoid refuses to eat/drink so they can die as soon as possible, I will dry drown her, rape her and anything necessary to prolong her suffering, as well as force feed her even tho I don't have the devices that were used for that in prisons

"I have lived a life of pain and suffering, now it's time to bring that pain to the people who actually deserve it" - ER



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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