Fixed it!
❌ He is a transgender
❌ He is transgendered
✔️ She identifies as transgender
❌ He transgendered last year
✔️ She started pretending she was a man last year
❌ He changed gender
✔️ She started making people call her a man
❌ He was born a girl
✔️ She is a girl
❌ When he was a girl
✔️ When she didn't deny her sex
❌ Before he became a boy
✔️ Before she became deluded
❌ Being trans means you're gay
✔️ Identifying as trans usually means you're a straight homophobe
❌ Did you get the surgery?
✔️ Did you become a victim of medical malpractice?
That table that the fundie is referencing is actually a pretty good mini-guide, if I may say so.
As for the fundie, nothing to say other than that she started pretending she is very smart, that she has a point and is totally not deluded.
✔️ Have you become butthurt: thus requiring a WAAAAAAAAAHMBULANCE to take you to St. Karen's Hospital for treatment of such?
ftfy, OP
@Conscience #138215
I consider fundamentalism to be a form of blasphemy. Fundies twist religion to suit their own prejudices; they are basically dishonest at their core, so it's no surprise when they turn out to be hypocrites.
And TERFs seem to be trying to ruin feminism by their exclusionary tactics. As others have pointed out, TERFs would accept the rollback of women's rights if it meant that transgenders would lose all their rights first. Forget about cutting off your nose to spite your face; TERFs are willing to cut their own throats and are somehow convinced that this will leave them the winners.
Identifying as trans usually means you're a straight homophobe
I tried to make sense of this line and failed. If you assume that gender identities aren’t real and trans people mostly date people of the same birth sex, then being self-hating *gay* homophobes is a “reasonable” conclusion given the premises (but not the only possibility). If you assume that gender identities aren’t real and trans people mostly date people of the opposite birth sex, then self-hating straight *heterophobes* is a likewise “reasonable” conclusion. If you do believe that gender identities are real, then I’m not sure what sort of misunderstanding would result in the particular combination of “straight homophobe”.
The only things I can come up with is that this is derived from a mashup of two different ideas which “make sense” from the point of view that gay/lesbian people are real and trans people aren’t, but they failed to notice that said ideas were mutually exclusive in some respect… or else maybe they have a really strange concept of what “straight” means.
Regardless, it appears that trans people are approximately 30% straight, 30% gay/lesbian, 30% bisexual, and 10% asexual, so assuming that trans people “most commonly” prefer date people of either sex and/or gender in particular is an incorrect premise.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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