andinocel & JosefMengelecel #psycho #sexist

RE: JFL (Old incel story) Incel made a foid fail physics midterm by not giving her a calculator

In college I was a white knight dumbass, and foids would sometimes make friends with me and become study partners. The foids would simply sit next to me during exams and copy my answers. White knight idiot that I was, I let them. In statistics class, another foid had registered but for the following semester; she asked if she could borrow the textbook. I agreed. Both foid and textbook disappeared, never to be seen again. I always hated having foids in math & physics, because all they would do is complain. In math, you are either right or wrong, no fancy words can pull you out of your fuck-up; foids find this unfair. It's the reason why so many of them prefer to major in biology. If true, the guy in the physics class is based, and he did the right thing. It was her responsibility to bring a fucking calculator. If you think this is heartless, remember that your classmates are your future job competitors, and if the competitor is female, she already has a huge advantage. The bitch may have failed physics but remember that the west is a gynocracy ---- she'll be alright.

He did the right thing. It isn’t even because she is a foid although that is a damn good reason to do it. I personally would have done the same thing even if it was a guy. Your classmates are just competition so you should do what you can to make them fail. Them failing means you have a better chance. The world is one huge battle royale and you should always take the opportunity to sabotage other people to get them out of the competition



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