Pickles & VestalVirgin #transphobia ovarit.com

GOP lawmaker says trans bathroom ban must pass to stop lesbians from “getting off” in women’s room

( Pickles )
Reddit commenters are having a normal one.

This should really tell the "LGB without the T" folks that their turn on the chopping block is coming. Once the right has decimated trans people, they'll come for us other gays too. Pushing the trans community in front of us in line for the meat grinder doesn't mean we aren't headed in there ourselves.

So he’s worried about lesbian women getting off to the sounds of other women in the bathroom? But what does that have to do with trans people….? And why is he only opposed to it happening with gay women in women’s washrooms? Is he just projecting and indirectly admitting that he masturbates in public bathroom stalls at work?

( VestalVirgin )
"Other gays"? Autogynephile men are not gay.

Did the reddit commenter only read the inaccurate headline? But if "trans women are women", he should have known exactly what "lesbians" have to do with trans people. (He knows that TIMs aren't women, so I guess that is why he was deceived by the headline. That, and he's an idiot. I knew immediately that it was "lesbians" ... because it would not be possible to ban actual lesbians from women's bathrooms.)

( Pickles )
Omg wow. I have seen some misleading titles in my day, but this one might take the cake. Rather than "GOP lawmaker says trans bathroom ban must pass to stop lesbians from “getting off” in women’s room", it should read "GOP lawmaker says providing women-only restrooms will stop some straight men from “getting off” in women’s room". What a damn doozy of a title.

Then there is this gem:

Hinkle then brought up a cisgender male janitor who would “go into women’s restrooms and sit and listen to women going potty because that is how he got off.” The implication being that lesbians shouldn’t be allowed to use the women’s restroom because they experience sexual pleasure from bathroom noises.

No, you absolute dish rag. The implication is that men shouldn't be allowed to use the women’s restroom because some of them experience sexual pleasure from bathroom noises.



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