“These people say “gay sex is democracy.””
I suppose one has to ask what they mean by ‘democracy,’ then? Or you. What do YOU think ‘democracy’ means.
“They also claim that democracy is about the popular will of the people.”
“Well – it can’t be both!”
Uh, yes, it fucking can.
“80% is a large majority of people who do not want gay sex!”
Ooooookay. So, they’re heterosexual. That’s fine. If approached by someone they don’t want to have sex with, they say, ‘No, thank you.’ I’ve done this. Wasn’t even scarring.
“So you would have to violate the will of the people to push gay sex on them!”
Ah! you think the straights of the nation don’t want gay sex TO EXIST? That’s not what the gays or gay allies desire, you paranoid idiot. There are plenty of people i do not find attractive out there having sex . Kim Kardashian, for example. I do not think gay sex or Kardashian sex should be ‘pushed on me.’ But i don’t think i have the right to say they should not have any sex AT ALL!
“But the issue is bigger than that – using diplomacy to push any kind of social engineering agenda on a foreign country is radical and extremist.”
So, telling Germany not to be Nazi was radical?
Telling Japan not to invade the Philippines was extremist?
Forcing Cuba not to point nuclear weapons at us from a few miles away, was that radical or extremist?
Feh. You’re kinda picky about what’s diplomacy and what’s radical.
“Imagine if some Moslem country was flying the ISIS flag at their embassy in America. “Would that be any different than America flying the gay flag in a Moslem country?”
Well, technically, flying the pride flag at our embassy is flying the flag in OUR country. The host nation can see it, but then, the host nation will know we’re gay tolerant any time they turn on their TVs or surf the internet. We’re not ‘pushing’ our social engineering as much as bragging that we’re progressive and shit.
“The American Empire is on a moral crusade to force anal sex on the entire world, and it is beyond the pale.”
God DAMN, i hear more about anal sex from evangelicals than i EVER have from my gay son, gay coworkers, or government announcement of Gay Pride. I seriously have to wonder what in the fuck is wrong with you people.