Mark Bradshaw #fundie

“Have you actually taken the time to look up informed consent?” - Sure. It isn’t really a difficult concept to understand. However, YOU have FAILED to justify why consent is important or that not having it makes an action immoral. You’ve FAILED to provide the standard by which you assert rape and not having consent is wrong. You’ve FAILED to show that relations of minors in countries that don’t have legal age of consent laws is wrong. You cannot/have not applied your reasoning in a logical and rational manner.

“For God's sake, you're sitting here ASKING me why we need to protect 8 year old girls from rapists and predators.” - NO. I am asking you to provide moral justification for WHY rape of an 8 year old is wrong. You continue to FAIL to do that. You FAIL to provide a source of your morality that you don’t call “wrong”.

“Why do you require authority when no one is getting hurt or abused?” ---- Because you haven’t shown any moral authority that can assert that “getting hurt” or “being abused” is morally wrong. All you’ve said is that YOU are the arbiter of your morals. You FAIL to realize that illogical nature of such a position. If YOU are the arbiter of YOUR morals, and another is the arbiter of THEIR morals, why are YOUR morals any better than theirs? If there is no standard by which to judge morals, then ANY set of morals cannot be deemed wrong.

“What is YOUR answer if you keep telling me that mine is no good and comes from the wrong authority?” ----- My answer is that rape or abuse of ANYONE is morally wrong. The difference between my position and yours is that I have a moral authority that says such action is wrong – and all you have is YOU.

“You're going to tell me it's wrong for an 8-year old to be abused by a predatory adult because JESUS.” ---- God is the only moral authority standard. Jesus said to love thy neighbor and to not sin. Clearly, other societies don’t hold these same moral values. But, according to you, that’s A-OK because the individual determines his/her OWN morals.

“In fact I said the opposite. A slave does not consent. Stop lying your ass off.” ----- You asserted that LEGALITY is the determining factor – According to YOUR REASONING, slavery was okay because it was legal.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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