Phil Defer #racist
Are there any differences in how immigrants of different races behave?
I didn’t see much of a distinction between different Hispanic nationalities. The Chinese I arrested were generally very polite. The Indians I arrested were more defiant. They didn’t fight, but they would try to stare you down. I heard later that Bangladeshis purposely try to stare you down as a means of exerting their superiority. Cubans were rude and nasty. I don’t know if it was caused by coming out of a totalitarian state, but they behaved like a criminal gang. I once heard about a group of them that guarded the Porta Potties in a detention center and started charging other aliens to use them.
When I was on the Canadian border, we were warned about the Albanians and Serbs. They had a reputation of wanting to fight. We once had an Albanian make not-so-veiled threats about killing a group of us agents.
Did you ever see any evidence that the Mexican government helps people cross the border?
The Mexican military helps cross drug loads into the U.S. without a doubt. Wherever we saw their soldiers camped out along the border, we knew it was likely to be a drug zone. Mexico loves the remittances it gets back from Mexicans living in America. Mexico once had printed up brochures on how to sneak into the U.S. without getting caught and without dehydrating and dying. I was surprised the Trump administration was able to get Mexico to slow the flow. However, that might be because each Honduran in the U.S. is taking a job a Mexican would be doing.
It’s a poverty issue. As long as Latin America is poor and the U.S. is wealthy, they will continue to cross. Really, interior enforcement needs to be ramped up.